Selasa, 21 Juli 2009


Last Friday, July 17th, 2009, the entire seniors went to Parung for the Manner Education. So, our teachers explains about few changes in our school rules. And EHMAGAAAAWWWDDD this is worse than I lose my iPod nano. Our new rules for uniform reeeaaalllyyy sucks! You have to wear skirts under the knees, you have to wear socks above the feet for 15cm, and you have to wear A BELT! That will makes us looks like a FOOLISH! Euwh, iyucks, sucks!!! So, my friends and I started to think about what kind of belt that we’re going to wear next Tuesday. And, the rules that make me insane that we’re not allowed to wear bracelets and sweaters! What if we cold?? And I tell you what; my hands feel so strange without any bracelets seriously! This school is going insane and insane. And if we break the rules, we’ll get points that if it’s 200 points already, we’re expelled! What a freak :@

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